Adam Armada-Moreira



Adam Armada-Moreira received his Ph.D. in Neurosciences from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Lisbon (Portugal) in 2020. His work, developed at Instituto de Medicina Molecular, was focused on combining molecular neurosciences and nanotechnology.

He then joined the Laboratory of Organic Electronics, Linköping University (Sweden), working as a post doctorate researcher in the Electronic Plants group, under the supervision of Eleni Stavrinidou, where his research activity is focused on plant electrophysiology using organic electronic devices. His research interests include electrophysiology, biohybrid devices, and interfacing biology and engineering.


My time at iMM was fundamental for my career. I developed both my MSc and PhD projects there, at Sebastião Lab, and I believe the really good research (and social) environment allowed me to grow as a scientist and guided my professional values in terms of what an academic environment should be.

