Vítor Silva

Vitor Vaz da Silva is an Adjunct Professor at the Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa, Politécnico de Lisboa (ISEL/IPL). Bachelor (ISEL-1987) in Eng. Electronics, Telecommunications and Computers. Licenciatura Degree (IST-1990) and Master (IST-1997) in Eng. Electrotechnics and Computers, control and robotics branch at IST. Degree in Theology (UCP-2007). PhD in Eng. Electronics and Computers (UNL-2015). Preferred interests are now in the areas of optoelectronics, sensors, databases, embedded systems and IoT/CPS.
My attempt to do a PhD began with the idea of choosing the Education area, as I have dedicated most of my life to teaching. Has I didn’t find an available supervisor in Education, I looked for one in Artificial Intelligence. Eventually work and studying made me lag too much and dropped that PhD. Years later I thought of choosing Bioengineering and that led me to a supervisor in Physiology and iMM. The focus was a respiratory pacemaker. The 2008 crisis made me drop that PhD and years later I tried again in Semiconductors at UNL and managed to finish it.
Knowledge is for me an attraction and at iMM I found a very interesting environment where I learned topics in physiology, autonomic nervous system, computational biology, neurodegenerative diseases, worked close by to people with different knowledge areas and those different point of views help a lot in understanding problems and finding solutions. Workshops and short communications by everyone about each one’s work also fills in this research world in which we all contribute with a tiny part. Human relations were very kind and friendship was also a strong support. I also remember a nice weekend for all provided by iMM. My last contribution at iMM was the development of a setting for a non-invasive ECG acquisition for zebrafish.