Aparajita Lahree
Aparajita Lahree is currently a postdoctoral researcher at the Max-Planck Institute of Molecular Cell biology and Genetics in Dresden, Germany and is studying mechanotransduction in hepatocytes at the lab of Dr. Marino Zerial. Aparajita received her PhD under the supervision of Dr. Maria Mota at iMM where she was trained as a molecular parasitologist specializing in liver-stage development of the malarial parasite –Plasmodium. Aparajita has a Masters degree in Cell and Molecular Biology from the University of Coimbra, Portugal and was originally trained as an engineer in Biotechnology from VIT University, India.
During her stay in iMM, Aparajita learned how to be a responsible and professional scientist. It is also here she was trained for and developed passion for fluorescence microscopy. 6 years at iMM helped her grow as a person in an international environment, with many friends and mentors. She learned the way of ‘Science’ and how to communicate science. iMM is her Alma Mater and a home away from home and will always be a place for good memories and good collaborations.