Catarina Costa
My name is Catarina Pelicano and I obtained my Bachelor degree in Biochemistry from the University of Porto. After that, I undertook a MSc in Biomedical Research at the University of Coimbra but I moved to Lisbon to develop my Master Thesis at iMM, in the lab of Professor Bruno Silva-Santos.
I then moved to Stockholm for an internship at the Karolinska Institutet to study immunotherapeutic strategies for pancreatic cancer. In April 2021, started my PhD in Professor Jason Carroll’s lab at the CRUK Cambridge Institute, University of Cambridge. My project aims to unravel the role of the tumour microenvironment on the transcription factor landscape of pancreatic cancer.
At iMM I learnt a lot of useful techniques that I still use to this day and my knowledge about the immunology field grew immensely thanks to the expertise in the BSS Lab. My supervisor during that time was one of the people that marked my academic path the most and it was from her that I learnt good laboratory pratices and experimental flow and organisation.