Jorge João
Jorge João was born in 1995 in Lisbon Portugal. He completed the Bachelor’s Degree in Health Sciences at Universidade de Lisboa in 2016 and the Master’s Degree in Biotechnology at Instituto Superior Técnico – Universidade de Lisboa (IST-ULisboa) in 2018. His Master’s Thesis was developed in the BioEngineering Research Group (BERG) from the Institute for Bioengineering and Biosciences (iBB) at IST-ULisboa in partnership with the biotechnological company TechnoPhage.
The research objective was to develop an efficient and scalable process for production of bacteriophages with therapeutic applications. Currently, Jorge is a PhD student in Biotechnology and Biosciences (BIOTECnico FCT-PhD Programme) also at BERG-iBB-IST-ULisboa and his research project is focused on the biomanufacturing of protein nanocages for drug delivery. Jorge’s research interests are based on the area of Biotechnology and Bioengineering associated with the Health Sciences. As a curiosity, besides science, photography is one of his passions.
During my academic career so far, I have worked twice at iMM under quite different circumstances. The first time was in 2015-2016 within the scope of my Bachelor’s Degree. I did a voluntary extracurricular internship in the scientific area of Molecular Microbiology and Infection at the research laboratory of Professor Mário Ramirez. It was my first serious contact with a research laboratory, and it was possible to get to know the day-to-day of scientists better. Additionally, I realized that scientific research would be something to consider in my future.
I learned a lot and today I can say without a doubt that these months were crucial for my entry into the world of science. The second time was in 2017 as part of my Master’s Thesis and I was in the laboratories of the TechnoPhage Company. In addition to having acquired new knowledge, I met incredible people who helped me a lot throughout this academic stage. I found all the available infrastructures quite interesting as well as the entire scientific environment (and not only) that is lived within the iMM. In short, my time at iMM will always influence my scientific career!